Extension Ashland County 2019 Annual Report

We would like to share with you our Extension Ashland County 2019 Annual Report which showcases some of the accomplishments of our Extension Ashland County Educators through photos and captions.

We hope you will look through this report to discover the broad range of programs in which we provided education and services and how they have made a positive impact in peoples’ lives.

In 2019, “UW-Extension” completed the transition to become the “University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension” as a result of several changes to the UW System.  Although we will now be using the red logo and “wisc.edu” email addresses, our local programming and commitment to work alongside the people of Ashland County does not change.

On behalf of all of us at the Extension Ashland County Office – Thank you.


Extension Ashland County

Courthouse, Room 107

201 W. Main Street

Ashland, WI 54806-1652

Phone: 715-682-7017

Fax: 715-682-7922

Dial 711 for Wisconsin Relay

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