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Ashland County Teen Court & More
Wider Information
The mission of Ashland County Teen Court (ACTC) is to provide an alternative method of adjudicating juvenile offenses. As a deputized piece of our judicial system, Teen Court Panel Members provide peers the opportunity to learn from past behavior and regain a clean record. Teen Court is a diverse, widely trained panel of high school students who hear cases, hold dialogue with youth and families to understand the violation circumstances, and create legally binding sanctions based on restorative justice. This benefits the youth and the overall community through civic service.

More Opportunities for Youth
The county, state, nation, and globe have youth programs that may surprise you! Some of the links below are well-known, while others may be newer. Please explore these opportunities within their 4 categories, and reach out to your Ashland County 4-H Youth Development Educator to discuss any questions, ideas, and plans!



Contact Kate

Kate Wallner serves Ashland County as the 4-H Youth Development Educator. To learn more about 4-H and Youth Development Programming and the role of Extension in Ashland County, contact Kate on her work phone at 715-208-0664, send an email to kate.wallner@wisc.edu or call the Ashland County office at 715-682-7017.