Families & Finances

The Extension Institute of Human Development & Relationships provides the tools Wisconsinites need to thrive as well-rounded, capable individuals and families. We support families in caring for each other in ways that promote growth and understanding. Our programs promote aging-friendly communities, coach effective parents and help families put technology, mindfulness and financial awareness to use. Our Families & Finances programming help to provide sources of well-researched, quality information about families and relationships, guide people through experiences throughout their lifespan, across health and developmental states, through caregiving, and through intergenerational relationships, and help families and individuals across Ashland County to achieve financial well being.

Relationships & Parenting

The Ashland County UW Madison Extension Office promotes virtual and in-person parenting classes! Some classes offered include:

View Ashland County’s relationships & parenting classes here.

You can find all UW Madison Extension resources for parenting & family relationships here!

Financial Education

UW Madison Extension offers a number of resources to help families and individuals stretch their dollars and meet their financial goals. Some classed offered include:

View Ashland County’s financial education page here.

You can find all UW Madison Extension resources for financial education here!

You can find all UW Madison Extension virtual and inperson classes and events for Financial Education here!

AMP (Aging Mastery Program) Starts February 14!
Raising Wisconsin’s Children- Virtual Conference Information
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Parents Forever: Co-Parenting Education 2024 Class Dates
The Whole Brain Child
Credit & Debt Series with Money Matters Live
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Virtual Parenting Classes!
Coffee Talks for Parents of Toddlers & Preschoolers – Virtual Monthly Class
Families & Screens Workshop


Heidi Ungrodt serves Ashland County as the Families & Finance Educator. To learn more about Families & Finance programming and the role of Extension in Ashland County, send an email to heidi.ungrodt@wisc.edu or call the Ashland County office at 715-682-7017.