Webinars for WI Gardeners – Late Season Issues

Join us for the next set of FREE mini-webinars about Late Season Issues. These engaging mini-webinars are 20 minutes each followed by Q&A. Registration is required for each mini webinar…. attend only one or all three! This series is open to the public. All webinars will be recorded. Visit the Extension Horticulture webinars for WI gardeners page for more info!


Yard and Garden Cleanup with Diseases and Insects in Mind

Image of rake with fallen leaves

 Date/Time: Wednesday, August 24, 12:00 p.m.

Presented by: Andrea Ackerman,  Horticulture Outreach Specialist, UW-Madison Division of Extension Brown County

Description: Be prepared to approach your garden and yard cleanup with a better understanding of  strategies you can use to benefit your yard, keeping in mind plant diseases, insects, winter interest and wildlife food.

Click here to register

Fall “Lawndry” List

Image of turfgrass with a few dandelions

Date/Time: Wednesday, August 31, 12:00 p.m.

Presented by: Paul Koch, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, UW-Madison

Description: Fall is a good time of year to give your lawn some TLC. Join us to learn more about lawn fertilizer requirements and recommendations for this time of year, aeration and overseeding, and the basics of weed control.

Click here to register

Bringing the Garden Inside

Image of top down view of gardening tools on burlap

Date/Time: Wednesday, September 7, 12:00 p.m.

Presented by: Darrin Kimbler, Agriculture Educator, UW-Madison Division of Extension Iron County

Description: Get ready to continue enjoying your garden by bringing your plants indoors. You’ll learn about which plants can come in, the requirements for growing plants indoors after they have been outside all summer, and how to properly transition them to their new indoor home.

Click here to register

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