4-H Member Materials

Hello Awesome Ashland County 4-H Youth!

Here you will find the applications, forms, and other resources you need to participate in our 4-H programs. Please also visit the What’s Going On? page to learn more about current or future events. By enrolling in 4-H Online, you can track your experiences & awards and have access to all local and statewide 4-H updates! Contact your 4-H Educator with questions, or go directly to 4-H Online to enroll or re-enroll.

Programs and Activity Information by Season


4-H Summer Camps

Summer Camp

Cloverbud Day Camp

4-H at Ashland County Fair


T-Shirt Design Contest

Show off your creativity and community! Ashland County 4-H Clubs, Leaders, and Members are invited to design an image that expresses what our local 4-H team means to them.

There will be multiple awards, with the first place winning design being on this 4-H year’s T-Shirt. Voting will take place after the due date: October 13, 2023.

For contest information and instructions, please see the poster below:

2023 4-H T-Shirt Design Contest poster.

Record Book Activities

As a 4-Her, you do so many great things that are important to acknowledge! That is one reason why 4-H has a record keeping process – to make sure that youth remember their achievements, growth, and lessons for the future, and others can know, too! Experiential learning within 4-H programs helps the youth complete projects AND gain skills to use in life! The forms here are tools to express your experiences.

4-H Senior Scholarship

The Ashland County 4-H Leaders Association grants funds to graduating 4-H members who meet the criteria below. This is a competitive scholarship based on applicant qualifications, written work, and character. Use past and current records to complete the application form and remember to ask 2 adult references to support the application. Best of luck!

Anyone considering applying for this scholarship must:
✓ Be a current high school senior of a school district within Ashland County.
✓ Be currently enrolled in the Ashland County 4-H youth program via 4-H Online.
✓ Have been an active member of 4-H and in good standing for no less than three (3) years.
✓ Complete the application materials in full and submit them by the due date (see above).

2023 Fall Senior Scholarship Full Application Materials PDF

2023 Fall Senior Scholarship Full Application Materials DOC

2023 Fall Senior Scholarship Applicant Form Only PDF

2023 Fall Senior Scholarship Applicant Form Only DOC

2023 Fall Senior Scholarship Reference Form Only PDF

2023 Fall Senior Scholarship Reference Form Only DOC

Member Evaluation (ME)

Thank you for your interest in sharing your 4-H accomplishments and lessons learned through Ashland County! This is a great opportunity to practice the skill of communicating personal growth achieved throughout the year. This Member Evaluation Form is a way to save and refer to your important experiences. Keep this form as you continue your 4-H journey and submit it with updates for different applications in the future!

The Ashland County Member Evaluation process is also an opportunity for local youth to earn a travel scholarship by participating in an application and interview; this is most members’ first time in an official interview!

Trip Guides

Please review the program booklet for this year detailing events you can receive funding for: WI 4-H Program Booklet.

For information on international travel through 4-H, see the WI 4-H Travel Abroad page.

2023 Fall Member Evaluation Full Application Materials PDF

2023 Fall Member Evaluation Full Application Materials DOC

2023 Fall Member Evaluation Applicant Form Only PDF

2023 Fall Member Evaluation Applicant Form Only DOC

2023 Fall Member Evaluation Reference Form Only PDF

2023 Fall Member Evaluation Reference Form Only DOC


Kate Wallner serves Ashland County as the 4-H Youth Development Educator. To learn more about 4-H Youth Development programming and the role of Extension in Ashland County, send her an email (kate.wallner@wisc.edu) or call 715-208-0664! You can also share ideas through the short survey found here!

An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act requirements. Discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, creed or religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, pregnancy, veterans’ status, arrest or non-job or program related conviction record or qualified disability is prohibited. In accordance with federal law and its enacting regulations, any person with limited English proficiency (LEP) has the right to request and receive information related to Extension’s educational programming and services in a language other than English. In order to receive assistance with interpretation and/or translation needs, or any other matter related to language access issues, please contact: oaic@extension.wisc.edu
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