Winter Outdoor Adventure Leadership (OAL) is Back!

The Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute’s Youth Programs is partnering with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Ashland County’s 4-H program for a third year to offer Outdoor Adventure Leadership (OAL)! Winter OAL program participants will further develop outdoor leadership skills by working toward their specific skill interests and planning an overnight weekend trip for spring.

student fastening fallen branches together to create a shelter in the woods.

The group will meet on Tuesdays starting February 1, with the last OAL program day on April 5. The weekend trip is scheduled for April 2–3. This Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute program is open to youth ages 11–14 years old. Pay as you can. Program registration fees support transportation costs, food, and future SOEI Youth Programs opportunities.

Registration is now open. Please contact Katherine Jenkins with any questions at 715-682-1853 or




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