Small Business Resources

There are a host of resources available to help you create a new business or to expand your current business. You might start the process by reviewing some of the resources below, and contact us for help navigating them. We are happy to help connect you to the local as well as state resources.

Business Support Organizations

Small Business Administration  logo

Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) Business Counseling  www

Small Business Development Center – UW-Superior SBDC-logo
Center for Technology Commercialization wlogo

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

http: // WEDC business

Ashland Area Development Corporation   AADC
Wisconsin Technology Council and
the Wisconsin Innovation Network win_square
Wisconsin Innovation Network –
Lake Superior Chapter WINmasthead_v2
Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce logo
Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation bcedc-banner-900
Wisconsin One Stop Business Portal WI One stop BusinessPortal


Business Plans

Step-by-step plan from The U.S. Small Business Administration.  Learn how to write a business plan.

Sample Business Plans

Business Planning Resources and Free Business Plan Samples from Bplans.

Business Planning Templates

Excellent business planning template and financial planning templates from SCORE.

Financial Assistance for Planning

Grant programs to assist with business planning. Provided by the Center for Technology Commercialization (CTC) formerly Wisconsin Entrepreneurs’ Network (WEN).

Wisconsin Business Forms

The State of Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions – WI business-related forms including organizational (LLC, corporation etc.), state tax forms and employment forms.

Farm Commons

A community of support and resources for sustainability-minded farmers.

Wisconsin Entrepreneurs’ Toolkit 

The Entrepreneur’s Toolkit is designed to give innovators a guide to resources available in Wisconsin and beyond.

Trademark Basics

Basic Facts About Trademarks: What Every Small Business Should Know Now, Not Later.
Search the Trademark Database: Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)

University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives

Publication on Cooperatives in Wisconsin: The Power of Cooperative Action

Preparing to go into Business

Services include:

  • One on One Business Assistance
  • SBIR/STTR Assistance
  • Training for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses
  • Peer to Peer Learning
  • Grants

Wisconsin License, Permit & Registration Services

Need to apply for a license, permit, registration, or certification in Wisconsin? Start with the Wisconsin.Gov website to find out how to apply for these types of services.  Past website is being updated, more information coming soon.

The U.S. Small Business Administration Learning Center

Small Business Administration Resources

Loans & Grants

Most if not all of the local and regional financial institutions have staff that work with small business loans.  Additionally both the Ashland Area Development Corporation and the Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation may be able to provide financing assistance.

Small Business Administration Resources


Counseling & Training

Small Business Administration Resources

University of Wisconsin School of Business

UW-Superior Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

UW-Superior SBDC Training Programs and Business Consultation. One on one counseling sessions can be set up with the SBDC director through the UWEX office in Ashland.  Online business courses also available. UW-Superior Office:  715-394-8352 or UW-Extension Ashland County Office: 715-682-7017

Free Online Workshops from SCORE

Great selection of business start up topics online with SCORE including selecting legal structure, patents, trademarks & copyrights, market analysis and more!

Center for Technology Commercialization (CTC) from Feasibility to Funding

Numerous training opportunities for entrepreneurs. Services include evaluate, plan and apply – Business assistance, training, financing opportunities and a network of over 100 organizations helping existing and potential Wisconsin businesses succeed.

Marketing Resources

Marketing Tutorials

Principles of Marketing Tutorial Series, focuses on the key concepts and functions that are common to most marketing situations.

Buy Local/ Buy Wisconsin, Trade and Consumer Protection

Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin is an economic development program designed to increase the purchase of Wisconsin grown/produced food products for sale to local purchasers.

Business Trade Associations

Many Business Trade Associations maintain excellent data about their products or services that can aid someone writing their business plan or looking to change their marketing strategies. Google the service or product of your proposed business and find the trade associations for that product/service. Search the trade association’s web site for marketing information, assistance for new businesses and related areas.

Support Extension