Relationships & Parenting

When adults support children’s healthy development they plant the seeds for strong communities across generations. Children who have access to nurturing caregivers become capable, productive adults in our communities. We all benefit when every child in our community thrives. 

We currently offer virtual and in-person parenting education. You can see the full list of upcoming classes, virtual and in-person, on the Parenting and Family Relationships Class Calendar. All parents and caregivers can access and benefit from our educational classes. You can sign up for a weekly series or catch a class monthly.

Below are some of the available classes the Families & Finance Educator helps with:

Additional Resources for Parents

Parenting Newsletters are sent out monthly to families of children under 1. Offering research-based information for parents of infants, young children, preschoolers and grandparents raising grandchildren.

Parent Further Website for families from the Search Institute offers resources on discipline, relationships, media and more.

Would You or Your Organization Like to Host a Parenting Class

Also Available in Relationships & Parenting

The Strong Couples Program

  • Six self-paced online modules.
  • Topics include: communication, commitment, problem-solving, and fun and friendship.
  • Five brief video calls with a trained coach.

Having a strong relationship with your romantic partner can be hard. And when you need help, finding trustworthy support can be difficult. This educational program is NOT counseling. The Strong Couples Program is available to you at no cost and happens at your own pace.

Find more information on the Strong Couples Program page

Focus on Fathers

  • Building strong relationships through communication
  • Strategies to teach children about feelings
  • Helping children stand up for themselves and more!

Focus on Fathers provides a variety of family friendly topics for information sharing and opportunities for dads to be part of parent to parent support in a safe and inviting environment.

We offer 1-hour online sessions most months of the year.

Find more information and register on the Support for Fathers page.

Adult Mental Health First Aid Training

teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. This training gives you the skill you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem & help connect them to the appropriate care.

Active Parenting & Parenting Wisely

Parenting Skills for Today’s Families. These evidence-based program can be scheduled for individuals or groups. They use videos showing common family challenges to demonstrate effective parenting techniques. Modules are available for parents of kids ages infant-18.

Relationships Matter: Within My Reach

Within my Reach is a relationship awareness and communication skills program for adults.  Participants can be single or in a relationship.  Through discussion and fun activities students learn how communication, values, expectations and goals can make or break relationship success.  Relationships really matter!  The quality of our relationships impacts our parenting, work, school, community and life satisfaction.  Explore ways to find and support smart, successful relationships.

Raising a Thinking Child

This program that helps parents of 4-7 year old’s teach their children valuable conflict resolution and problem solving skills.  These skills can help reduce problems that are common in families with young children like tantrums, conflicts with siblings, friends, or classmates, and impulsive behavior.  Through a series of fun activities they can do at home, parents teach kids to understand the feelings of others, ask for what they want or need, think about outcomes of their actions, and manage everyday conflicts.  These skills not only help reduce yelling and nagging at home, but also protect kids from problems later on.

Strengthening Families, 10-14

In partnership with cooperating agencies, Extension is available to co-facilitate this evidence-based program designed to prevent teen behavior problems, boost parenting skills and enhance family strengths.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

This a 10-part newsletter series for grandparents raising young children (birth to age 8). The focus is on family relationships and child development rather than legal or financial issues. Topics include: understanding child behavior, the importance of close relationships and open communication, and maintaining contact with parents.

Support Extension