FoodWIse – Nutrition Education


FoodWIse, previously called Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program (WNEP), is funded by the USDA and is designed to provide nutrition education that helps limited resource families and individuals choose healthful diets, purchase and prepare healthful food and handle it safely, and become more food secure by spending their food dollars wisely. Ashland County sites include: elementary schools, senior centers, Head Start centers, youth clubs, food shelves, and more. To find a class near you or to discuss new opportunities, call the Extension Ashland County Office.  To learn more about FoodWIse in Wisconsin see the state website.

2021 FoodWIse Annual Report

FoodWIse made a big impact in Ashland County in 2021! For an overview of Community Impact, see the 2021 FoodWIse Annual Report

Related Links of Interest

Members of the FoodWIse Team standing in front of Lake Superior dressed for early fall.

FoodWIse – Nutrition Education Team

Stephanie Bakker

FoodWIse Nutrition Coordinator –
Ashland, Bayfield, Iron Counties
715-682-7017 x516

Lindsay Larson

FoodWIse Nutrition Educator –
Ashland, Bayfield, Iron Counties
715-682-7017 x511

Marisa (Perlberg) Dyer

Healthy Communities Coordinator
Ashland County
715-682-7017 x512

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