Agriculture & Horticulture

Agriculture & Horticulture Educator.

Ashland County’s office does not currently have an Agriculture or Horticulture Educator. With the support of state services and programming, your local Extension Office is able to connect Farmers and community members with Educators across the state to answer questions.

The Agriculture & Horticulture Educator helps to: connect local producers with one another and opportunities for education, economic development, and events, coordinates and manages the Master Gardener program, create curriculum and develop education resources, and provided education on local climate change issues to both Extension colleagues and program participants for climate change working groups.


If it happens on a farm or in a field, the Extension Ashland County works with you to achieve better results. Our innovative dairy management programs range from genetics to farm and business management. Extension researchers work hand-in-hand with row crop, forage and fresh produce growers to provide best practices for every aspect of the growing phase. We also advise communities on using sustainable practices to create inviting spaces free from invasive species. Our work supports people, communities and businesses.

Agriculture Support

Crops & Soils

Our Educators work to provide timely resources and information to help crop producers and their agricultural consultants manage crops efficiently and profitably.


Dairy programs help in strengthening the competitiveness of the Wisconsin dairy industry through statewide leadership in education and research in areas such as Agriculture Safety and Health, Animal Welfare, Feed and Nutrition, Quality Control, and other additional resources.

Farm Management

We can provide research-based farm business management information, resources and decision-making tools to farmers and agribusinesses to improve business profitability and lifestyles through informed decision-making.

Live Stock

Our programs help to provides timely resources and information to help farmers, consumers and allied industry to make informed decisions about beef cattle, poultry, sheep and goats, equine, swine, and meat science. There are also resources for youth caring for livestock.

Additional Resources


UW-Extension Horticulture Programming provides research- and evidence-based horticulture management education, resources and decision-making tools to home gardeners and commercial horticulture practitioners. UW-Madison, Division of Extension, Horticulture Program serves the people of Wisconsin through county offices and also covers a wide range of technical support through soil testing and analysisgeneral plant disease diagnosticsturfgrass disease diagnosticsgeneral insect identificationcommercial fruit productioncommercial vegetable entomologycommercial vegetable pathology, and commercial produce safety.

Gardening Questions?

Follow this link to get to the Extension Horticulture’s “Ask a Gardening Question” page Looking for an expert to advise on your garden questions? Please follow the link, fill out the form, and attach relevant photographs concerning your garden issues. Your inquiry will be responded to by an Extension staff member or a Master Gardener Volunteer in your area. Thank you for visiting the Wisconsin Horticulture website.

Additional Resources

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