Annually, the Ashland County 4-H Leaders’ Association grants scholarships to 4-H members graduating high school continuing their education; this is a competitive scholarship based on applicant qualifications & merit. The application packet is attached below and includes: Application Instructions, Applicant Form, and Reference Form!
➢ Applicants must have materials submitted to the Extension Office by Friday, March 10th, 2023 at 4PM
➢ Scholarship recipient(s) and the dollar amounts are approved by the Leaders Association by the March meeting. There will be 4 scholarships of $500 each.
➢ Scholarship recipients will be announced near the end of March during Awards Night.
➢ Senior(s) will receive their scholarship funds as soon as the applicant submits evidence of being enrolled for the first semester of their continuing education institution.
2023 4-H Senior Scholarship Announcement & Application Materials