Join us for the StrongBodies program! StrongBodies has been shown to increase strength, muscle mass and bone density. Classes are held twice weekly and include progressive resistance training, balance training and flexibility exercises. Join via computer, phone, or tablet!
Dates: Jan. 7-March 6, 2025
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 a.m.-10:20 a.m.
Questions? Contact:
Stephanie Bakker 715-682-7017 Ashland,Bayfield, Iron Counties
Julie Montgomery 715-395-1427 Douglas County
Bridget Rongner 715-635-4444 Barron,Burnett, Rusk, Sawyer, Washburn Counties
FoodWIse – Nutrition Education Team
Stephanie Bakker
FoodWIse Nutrition Coordinator –
Ashland, Bayfield, Iron Counties
715-682-7017 x516
Lindsay Larson
FoodWIse Nutrition Educator –
Ashland, Bayfield, Iron Counties
715-682-7017 x511
Marisa (Perlberg) Dyer
Healthy Communities Coordinator
Ashland County
715-682-7017 x512
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