Home » FoodWIse – Nutrition Education » StrongBodies
The Extension StrongBodies Program is based on the StrongWomen Program that was created by Professors Miriam E. Nelson and Rebecca Seguin. StrongBodies will catalyze positive change in people of all ages to live stronger, healthier lives by providing knowledge, inspiration, access to programs, and ongoing support. Ashland County partners with Douglas, Bayfield, and Iron Counties to bring people of all ages together virtually to learn about fitness and nutrition!
- The current StrongBodies series is taking place January to March, 2025!
- Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-10:20AM
- Participate from your living room
- This virtual strength training class is free, but registration is required.
- If you don’t have your own equipment, no worries! Call our office at 715-682-7017 to talk about borrowing equipment for the class.
Contact FoodWIse coordinator, Stephanie Bakker, with questions! 715-682-7017 or stephanie.bakker@wisc.edu
*For more information on StrongBodies, visit: https://healthyliving.extension.wisc.edu/programs/strongbodies/
FoodWIse – Nutrition Education Team
Stephanie Bakker
FoodWIse Nutrition Coordinator –
Ashland, Bayfield, Iron Counties
715-682-7017 x516 stephanie.bakker@wisc.edu
Lindsay Larson
FoodWIse Nutrition Educator –
Ashland, Bayfield, Iron Counties
715-682-7017 x511
Marisa (Perlberg) Dyer
Healthy Communities Coordinator
Ashland County
715-682-7017 x512
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