It is 4-H Harvest Season!

Hoping you had a great Labor Day weekend and first week of September afterward!

Throughout the year, 4-H youth and adults work thoughtfully and creatively on different projects for their clubs, counties, and wider communities. It is important to honor them for their contributions, and we are nearing that time!

From September to November, 4-H members and volunteers are encouraged to reflect on their accomplishments to recognize the growth of each individual and club. This reflection time helps reveal the fruits, or harvest, of everyone’s labor!

After reflecting and documenting accomplishments, youth and adults are eligible to receive awards! They may be recognized in any or all of the five activities listed that all take part in the 4-H Harvest Season. Awards are presented at the local Achievement Ceremony when the harvest ends until the next one starts in the upcoming Autumn!

You can find all resources related to these activities on the Member Materials page as well as the Volunteers & Leaders page. The main materials needed are available in the box below.

The Five Harvest Season Activities

You can view all current 4-H News in the Ashland County 4-H What’s Going On? page!

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